Day 2 | Exploring Milford Sound

Today was an early start so we could make it out to Milford Sound with plenty of time to stop along the way and make our cruise.

The weather was rainy and cold.  But that didn't stop us from pulling over several times to get some shots of the spectacular scenery.  We visited the Reflecting Lakes and wished we could have stopped many more times, we agreed to stop on the way home if we had time.

As we got closer to Milford Sound the van was making more and more noise protesting at the steep roads that we were descending.  It was decided that once we reached the boat we would call the rental company and advise it wasn't safe to drive any further.  They advised it would take at least five hours to get us another van.  Luckily we had a cruise and some amazing scenery to spend that time.

A little after the sun set our new van arrived with much excitement from us.  Unfortunately it was now too late to stop at any of our finds on the way home but that was okay we were all just happy to be safe and warm.

Another late night and we all were asleep before our heads hit the pillows.  Another early morning tomorrow.

So RosieComment