Day 3 | The day of the Matterhorn! (Or not!!)

Up early and off to brekkie - loving those waffles.

Today's first job was to go to Brea Mall to get the SIM card for our phones. This is the third time we have attempted this. We found the mall and then the apple store.  Nope can't help.  We were directed to AT&T where we could get them.

The mall was amazing it was new and huge. We had a quick look around but no time for shopping.  Shops like Nordstrom, Guess, Victoria's Secret (Beauty and Lingerie), Sears, JC Penny, and tons more.

We got in the car and off to the next address - success.  They knew exactly what we wanted.  Sweet.  Just $2 per day unlimited text and calls and $15 for a small amount of data - perfect. He activated them and we were back on line.  We got to the car and rang each other to get our contacts updated then huge FAIL - data did not work.  Back to the store and another guy says oh yeah that happens with iPhone 4's.  Great would have been helpful to know before we purchased it and we cant get a refund or do anything about it so you are stuck with your $65 credit and a USA phone number and that's it.  Oh well never mind we can keep in contact with each other which was the main plan.

We were also conscious of the time - we wanted to get to Disneyland for day two.  We headed back to the hotel to park and had a quick bite to eat from the 7 Eleven (much cheaper than Disneyland, and surprisingly their range is positively huge). For example, hot dogs, tacos, sandwiches, burritos, salads, etc etc. Nom nom nom.  Angus also got a bucket of coffee - smiles all round.

We entered California Adventure and headed straight for the large roller coaster 'California Screaming'.  The wait was about 40 min and we also pick up a fast pass so we could ride again quicker.  It was AWESOME what a fantastic ride. Totally had to do that again.  

Angus tried to video the ride but the camera had a conniption and shut down - too much jerking around apparently!

Next up was the Grizzly River Raft ride.  There was no line up for this which may have been because it was a bit cold. We got rain ponchos so we didn't get wet - yeah right.  We got VERY wet. Was such a hoot. The water came over the sides and shot up from your feet and soaked the backs of your legs, pants and shoes - afterwards you walked round like you had wet yourself.

Okay so we decided to attempt the Matterhorn again. Our second - Angus' fourth attempt. We change parks back to Disneyland.  On our way across we decided to pick up a Fast Pass for sorin over something. We were not sure what the ride was but figured with a wait time of 60 minutes it had to be good.  The fast pass was to come back in about three hours.

The queue for the Matterhorn was much longer than yesterday and moving along nicely.  We were about 20 people from the front (after about 30 minutes in the line) and then suddenly an announcement - the ride had a malfunction and it was CLOSED down for about 45 minutes - sorry folks. Wait what!  They obviously saw Angus coming and hit the big red stop button.  Ha ha.

When the announcement came everyone booed and Angus sheepishly hid and tried not to look like he was to blame, even though we all knew he was.

We figured we had better get on any ride successfully before his reputation had spread to the rest of the park, we headed for the Indiana Jones ride.  The wait was about 65 minutes in a massive queue, zig zagging up down, around back forward really no idea how long it really was.

We chatted to a friendly hairdresser from Manchester and his teenage son, they had moved to the US years ago while on their way emigrating to Australia but never made it.  He told us the wait for the ride was worth it so we stayed. He joked his concern we were investing this much time in the wait especially as Angus was with us and we had shared the Matterhorn story.

The ride was a jeep ride in a cave, running along a rail - dips, bumps, blasts of air, mist and drops - totally awesome ride thank goodness it was worth the HUGE wait.

Now it was time to go back to California Adventure for the fast pass on the Soaring over California ride.  Wow this was TOTALLY AWESOME - you sit in rows, are lifted up in the air then they project scenery on a surround screen and you are made feel like you're flying - amazing like a simulator. They blew air and scent so it was even more real.

Time for food - O'Regan had hit the wall and everyone had sore feet. Quick recharge and we headed to our entry location for the 'World of Colour' show. Its dark now and we stand in a large queue with about 4,000 others. It's the end of the day and everyone is showing signs of fatigue - especially the kids. There were a few stressed out people in the queue that were loudly voicing their annoyance at queue jumpers - very funny to witness. They were so very polite the whole time though.

We are finally shown to our area to view the show and we awaited for the show to start . It was amazing, it was a light and fountain show synched to music. You do get a bit wet as the breeze brings the mist over you - but so worth it.

It's now very late and the kids are ready for bed (so are we actually).  We had a lovely walk back to the unit and it was lights out. Another busy day tomorrow.

Highlights of the day
Rosie |  The shopping mall (was just teasing me) and the roller coaster - so going to do Magic Mountain. 
Angus | Indiana Jones ride - just like our four wheel drive trips and the take off on the California Screaming - what a rush.
O'Regan and McKay | Both said the California Screaming ride - I must admit it was totally awesome.

So RosieComment