Day 2 | Disneyland. The happiest place on earth.

It was an early start to get to breakfast.  There was a free breakfast included in our room rate.   We were so surprised at how good it was and included meat patties, scrambled eggs, sausages, Danish, doughnuts, cereal, OJ, coffee – and the highlight of breakfast – make your own waffles. Very cool waffle maker with a count-down timer.

Then it was off to Disneyland which was only a short ten minute stroll up the road. Weather was warm and sunny which made the park really busy.  Also being a Sunday added to that. We also noticed a large amount of school groups there.  All impeccably behaved.

First it was off to space mountain – only a short 40 minute wait.  What to expect?  Well it was an inside roller coaster – in the dark.  Wow this was fantastic with your brain freaking out wondering what was going to happen next.  We rated this excellent.

Next door was Innoventions.  This was probably in its day quite forward looking.  But nowadays seems so accessible to everyone.  However the boys really enjoyed it.

Now to Finding Nemo submarine voyage.  The wait in line was about 30 minutes – ride was really cool.  Some entertainment was while in the line Rosie got the full ‘excuse me’ with attitude (and American accent) from a lady that thought we were ‘cutting in’. Totally the ONLY rude person we have encountered here. Then we had to stand in the queue for the next 30 minutes with them in front of us and her three misbehaved, bratty kids, they were absolutely shocking. We didn't see any other kids behaving like that all day and there were seriously thousands of kids there.  Explains a lot don't you think! 

Angus wanted to try the Matterhorn roller coaster.  He had been to Disneyland twice before in his youth and the only thing he remembers is the Matterhorn was closed for maintenance both times. The line was short and going really fast. We were getting excited. Well there was a reason for that.  Yep that’s right the ride was closed due to malfunction for Angus’ third attempt – the hat trick.  Better luck tomorrow, time permitting (Disney California Adventure tomorrow).  

Off to It’s a Small World.  Wow this totally lived up to the hype.  We all thought this was awesome.  Well maybe us adults more so than the kids.  Totally a must when visiting Disneyland.  Loved it!

While decided where to head next we saw Mr Toad’s Wild Ride – two per car around a track inside and the line up was relatively short.  We loved it. We have loved standing in the lines and listening to all the different accents around us, most have been mainly American.

Now it's time for lunch as we can see the kids have run out of power and their batteries were just about flat.  Well it was 4.00pm so that explains a lot. Just far too busy to stop sooner.  No staying power these young'uns.

Back into it and head to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.  The wait in line was about 30 minutes but totally worth it.  This was a Roller coaster ride up and down through a mountain.  We all rated this awesome.  We have to come back and do this one again.

We are ready to go now but decide to do just one more.  We pick Pirates of the Caribbean – only a short 20 minute wait for this one.  It was an inside ride in a boat.  You pass lots of different scenes based on the pirates theme.  We all loved it.

Quick stop at the souvenir shop to pick up the pre-requisite Disney Tees and Angus’ mouse ears.  Rosie wasn’t so brave.  Right we are set.

 Every experience today at Disneyland has been totally memorable in every way.  Each and every ride has been totally worth the wait in line.  We have never seen so many people in one place in our lives. The staff are amazing and everyone is friendly (apart from 'that' woman).

 Now it’s 7.15pm and time to go back to our room we are dead on our feet – the lack of sleep and full on day is catching up with us all. We were going to return to the park for the nightly fireworks but just can’t.  We are too tired and it’s also very cold. 

 We ordered in Chinese and had dinner in our room.  This would have to be some of the best Chinese we have had.  The bonus was they delivered it to our room from the restaurant down the street. O'Regan feel asleep before it arrived so he will be hungry in the morning.

Highlights of the day:
 | Space Mountain, screaming “Oh my God, oh my God”
McKay | The train around the Park
Rosie | Big Thunder Mountain roller coaster and being called ‘Miss’
Angus | The park remembers to stop the Matterhorn so I can never know ...
and crazy waffle machine, endless maple syrup (nom nom nom).

So RosieComment