Day 1 | Brisbane to Auckland

After a restless night of anticipation, packing alarms rang and swiftly snoozed, today's the day we fly. Angus was still ironing pants at eight for a nine AM departure. A little game of tetris saw the car packed with all our luggage. Now off to Mika's for our final passenger.
Sadly Jemmz (and Quentin) isn't coming with us this time. Luckily Mika was ready as we made our way across a rainy Brisbane morning. Rather than Uber-ing we valet parked, we’re never not doing this again.

We boarded on time with China Airlines. All the buzz is about Chinese New Year tomorrow - year of the Rabbit (or a cat year for the Vietnamese). The rabbit is known to be the luckiest out of all the twelve animals. It symbolizes mercy, elegance, and beauty. Sounds like welcome characteristics.
With the flight not full we were spoilt with a spare seat to stretch into. The meal options were "beef or chicken?". Both good! Auckland looked spectacularly green flying in.

A super quick route though arrivals and we popped out to be greeted by Victor.
After a quick rejuvenating cuppa we had some ham rolls. We also checked out
the Countdown to get all the other phones operational.
Later a quick refamiliarisation with Wendy's saw the day out.

Angus: getting all the complicated journey stuff done
Rosie: seeing grandad and travelling again
Mika: seeing grandad after so many years
O'Regan: getting products here that you can’t get in Oz (L&P)

So Rosie3 Comments