A walk with the Llamas

Today was awesome.

As part of Rhea's birthday present we got to walk with Llamas.  We arrived at 3.30pm and were greeted at the gate by Libby our guide for the afternoon.  We were also greeted by a very friendly donkey named 'Donkey' of course.

We were given a quick talk about 'how to walk a Llama' which was very informative.  Then we got to choose our Llama.  Rhea of course got first pick and took Shaggy who was very affectionate.  He loved a good smooch.

I choose Bono who had a very different coat, almost like dreadlocks.  He was a bit wary at first but was more than happy to tag along for the walk.  Elice was paired with Bandit and Giselle with Oby, and then we were off.

On the walk we chatted with and were told all sorts of information about the Llamas.  Once we got back we were treated to an afternoon tea of fruit and dips.  When we entered this paddock all the Llamas were free to roam around.  Some of the babies were very curious and Hugo was intrigued by my camera and came in for a closer look.  He was so cute with his big eyelashes.

Not realising there was even more to come we were handed a cup of pellets and hand fed the Llamas. Wow, how much fun was that.  They are such laid back animals and interact with you if they want to.  But come feed time they are right up there, but still very gentle.

Then it was time to meet the rest of the crew.  We got to meet all five doggos, the funnest was the french bulldog Lollie.  She was a hoot running around like a crazy thing.

The other members included some goats, some alpacas and finally the new baby Llamas.

Sadly it was now time to leave.  After our final goodbyes to our new friends we hopped in the car for the trip home.  We chatted all the way home about how much fun we had had today.  

Absolutely brilliant.

A day at Ottaba - taking the Llamas for a walk.
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