Day 9 | Chillin in Bel Air

Yesterday was a very late night with lights out just before 2.00am and with little planned for today it was decided that another lie in would help the recuperation a little.

Starting out at noon we went up to Denny’s again. Their breakfasts are fantastic and hard to beat, and we thought since it was lunch time it would be good for a conference as to what we should do with today.

There are a couple of sights we haven’t taken the boys to which are up in LA so we set off for Bel Air (as in the Fresh Prince thereof). We checked out some of the other homes of the glitterati. It’s a strange neighbourhood that seemed to be filled with latino gardeners and packs of tradesmen. The homes are mostly enormous and gated but there aren’t any footpaths. The higher areas offer soaring views across LA and a couple of homes being built looked more like the scale you would use for a shopping mall than a house.  It's very private and secluded with lots of trees and high fences.

Travelling across the city at exactly the wrong time we got stuck on the highway is a real jam. There was almost no movement at one stage for 20 minutes. Luckily we came across a comedy channel on the radio which at least passed the time.  The radio in the rental car is a satellite radio with 100's of channels and you pick the 'theme' of music you want to listen to.

We finally arrived at the 'Charmed' house which is just out of downtown LA. Since the last visit they have renovated more homes and it really is a neat area.

We headed back to Long Beach and Polly’s Pies for dinner with their cherry pie deserts. While we were there Rosie realised the people in the booth behind us were cracking up at our inappropriate and odd accented conversation. Always good to entertain.

Early night tonight as we’re off to Disney tomorrow.


Polly’s Black Forest – chocolate mousse with cherries on the top (insert 'Homer gargle') . Angus
House hunting in Bel Air. Might have just found hte ‘one’. Rosie
The view driving around Bel Air. McKay
The different scenery and the charmed house. O’Regan

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