Day 22 | New York - Carnegie Deli and Theatre Show

There was that disappointing news about the Presidential election that seems to be the major subject of conversation. There has also been a bit of rain which seem to suit the general mood. 

Becoming expert at using the PATH/Subway means we are quickly across the Hudson River and making our way uptown to the theatre district for our show. The rain seems to have dried up but there are still big puddles around the crossings. The signal changed and everyone dodges the deep part. Still, it is not cold or windy. 

When we were with Gary the train guy yesterday he suggested we get to the Carnegie Deli if we had time and we do. There is a queue of about 40 people snaking down from the front door and we try and we decide it must be worth the wait. Behind us three ladies join the queue and start chatting with us. They're visiting from San Diego and heard that this place was good but closing. They had been to Queenstown New Zealand together amongst many other places and it was great to hear some stories and tips. San Diego shares a climate with Brisbane (but without the humidity) so they shared our shivers while we were in line. After waiting about an hour we were ushered in and we had grown from a party of two to a party of five. We all had plans for the afternoon but between the line and the conversation we were happy to linger a bit once we were seated. 

Carnegie’s is a busy deli specialising in beef and other meats (it is a kosher establishment, i.e. no ham) but offers a wide range of other things. They are famous for their "Woody Allen" somehow connected to the playwright and made up of half corned beef and half pastrami which we opted for (sharing). We also got a side of potato salad and coleslaw – delicious.

Our companions were a little tired after a late-night roller coaster watching the elections on TV way past midnight. There are many time zones which makes the election counting very long and anxious if it is close as this one was. The Deli was abuzz and the waiter (yep, fancy table service) was hilarious as many New Yorkers tend to be. There is a deep level of sarcasm that we share with the culture here. Then there was the cherry cheesecake. Not usually fans we thought we should share but the plate went back empty. Perhaps the best cheesecake we’ve had (good cream cheese according to Carol). 

Off to the theatre we picked up the tickets from the 'will call’ booth. As you enter these busy foyers there’s usually someone checking you aren’t in the wrong queue for too long because some of the wait time are horrendous. We’re going to see “The Book of Mormon”, a comedy musical. 

There was a bit of a commotion when an anti-Trump protest march passed through Times Square heading south to Trump Towers. There was a major police presence but nowhere near the provocation, helmet and shield action we would see in Australia and the crowd was loud. Just cops stopping traffic to let the march through. 

Filing onto the theatre we found we had good seats. The show was slick and the timing and audio was great. The performers were hilarious and well worth seeing if you ever get the chance.

Afterward we lingered around Times Square, our last night in New York. It has been fun, and hopefully just an introduction for future trips. 

Rosie | The show
Angus | Wandering

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