Day 6 | Black Friday

Today we headed out to Target to check out what was on offer, a little apprehensive as it is Black Friday famous for the crazy shoppers looking for the sales that mark the beginning of Christmas shopping. Crikey, it is colder today than yesterday although the sky is clear it isn’t over zero. It wasn’t too busy but the Target we went to was not the massive one but a smaller branch. They suggested that we look at Staples for what we were looking for but similar story.

We’re meeting up with Rebekah, Mary and Ariel for their, and our, last day. We meet at the Reading Terminal Market which is thronging, and we go through the routine of starting to stake out some chairs and then getting food in. Food was great, curious pickle with every sandwich. But sadly, we all had to go our ways and farewells. They fly back to Arkansas and we’re off to DC tomorrow.

One thing we need to look at is a camera tripod so we make our way to a Best Buy (just like a big JB Hifi but adding fridges and washing machines). Looks like they’ve had an eventful Black Friday and the products are all walking out the door. 50 inch TVs for $200 seem popular in the carpark. We get our stuff, some of it on sale and then, since we’re in one of those commercial parks, check out the Home Depot. Angus was intrigued by the pre-made timber fence panes and the cheap Milwaukee gear, McKay even got some Milwaukee gloves (did we mention it’s cold). On display is the Milwaukee ‘heated’ jacket – takes the batteries in a pocket and presto – toasty. Then straight across the carpark (by car, it’s cold, right) to TJ Maxx checking out the thermals etc.

Jemmz had a Vegan Pizza Restaurant on her list of must do’s so we got take-out (for her) and we went to Chinatown – David’s Mai Lai Wah. There is a cheesy homemade advert on the tourist channel for it (‘best Chinatown restaurant 2011”) and when we saw it thought we’d best get takeout and return to base. Whilst Jemmz nursed her pizza in the parked car when we went for Chinese some dude was scoping it out until she banged on the window and told him to rack off, which he did.

Back at the hotel the takeout was all welcome and consumed quickly. We went out for a night photo of the town hall to test the new tripod, this being a Friday night the place is still busy and there’s a lot more noise floating up to the hotel tonight too.


Angus | The Home Depot – “like Bunnings crossed with that warehouse from Raiders of the Lost Ark”
Rosie | Strolling through Chinatown and the delish Chinese takeout.
Jemmz, McKay, O’Regan | All went to sleep.

So RosieComment