Day 3 | Delaware

This morning we’re off to New Castle, Delaware so again we’re into the complimentary breakfast that was on offer before a slick shower round. Angus went to get the car out the carpark with the valet. He took the keys off the guy and confidently began to drive down the up ramp while the guy frantically waved the correct way, at least it was the right side of the road.

The drive to Delaware was quick and New Castle is a quaint little town that at one time was the centre of regional transport with one of the earliest steam trains and connecting roads inland and ferry to New Jersey from high up the Delaware River. Originally settled by the Dutch in 1651 the area changed hands to the Swedish and finally the English. On the river frontage is a now a park but once was the defence of the area. We started crossing the park having met up with Rebekah, Mary and Ariel. The breeze was cool but we’re a bit more prepared for it and this morning the squirrels were a compensation. They gambolled all over the place and almost seemed to want to come right up then dash down these tiny holes in the trees. It is prohibited to feed them here but there were plenty along with the stoic geese sitting in the wind.

Walking up through the streets of New Castle it is clear that almost everything in period and in good condition – most of the buildings from the 17 and 1800s. There’s a row of antique shops and they have the windows tuned to Christmas which were all gorgeous. While wandering a guy walking with a dog asked where we were from and asked if we wanted to see the Old Town Hall. We quickly accepted, not knowing what we’d see and he just gave us the keys and pointed up a lift. Top floor was a set up as a meeting room - with Councillor names and the lower floor was set up like a Court – agendas showed it is the Planning Court. So generous to be let lose to explore in such an historical place.

Next door was the Old Courthouse Museum and we peeked in to see if it was open. They were just about to start a proper tour and asked if we wanted to join but our group had partially wandered off so we stayed for the first part regaled about the earlier timber Courthouse that was burnt down by an escaping convict (subsequently recaptured) and the fate of the town with the ferry being replaced by the bridges, roads and then the Interstates. Great talk and a pity we couldn’t stay for the rest.

Off to Newark next – home of the University of Delaware, home of Ariel to have a late lunch at Cheeburger, one of the student-appreciated diners on the main street. They’re all off for Thanksgiving so it isn’t too busy. The food and company was awesome with the best fresh onion rings Angus has ever had and the sweet potato fries just right.

Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving, a day early to take the cooking stress out of the day as we’re hoping to make the parade. This starts early and forecast to be freezing (as well as an early start). First stop Trader Joes to check out things to add. There’s a lot of interesting produce and products. Pretty casual with the hipster-barn feel.

Then off to Whole Foods – a massive supermarket with everything you could imagine. A couple of features of note were the huge bakery and cooked foods section which had a dining area for you to “eat in”.

Getting a bit knackered from the days wandering we headed back to Philadelphia for the night.


Angus | Getting invited to show ourselves around the Arch Old Town Hall.
Rosie, Jemmz and McKay | Getting up into the Courthouse in New Castle and listening to the guide bring it to life
O’Regan | Yummy food at Cheeburger in Newark

So RosieComment