Day 8 | Rain

Firstly - we are fine, safe and dry.

Wow, what a day, so much rain. For the most part we stayed inside and chatted. We decided to go out and get a couple of things then Mika and Rosie went into town to drop off some film to develop and have a wander.

We didn’t expect the rain to get worse, but it did - a lot. So we stopped for a coffee to wait it out. Then decided to go home instead. But by then the traffic was all backed up and the rain was getting worse.

So we spent a good half hour watching people splash through puddles and try and dodge the rain. It was very entertaining and we chatted with other stranded people in the city.

Once it had calmed down a bit we headed home. We saw on the news that there had been flooding all over Auckland and the Elton John concert was cancelled.

We are safe and dry at home now and enjoyed another delicious family dinner.


Mika: taking photos in the rain in the city
Angus: cooking brunch for the family
Rosie: running through the rain in the city
O’Regan: finding cool stuff at the Stationery Warehouse

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