Lake Samsonvale | Landscape Meetup

It's funny how things turn out.  

We had almost decided not to go to the sunset meetup as the weather was looking a bit iffy.  But decided to go anyway.  We are so glad we did.

We arrived and said hi to Jane who had organised this meet up.  We were told everyone was pretty much doing their own thing but that we were going to meet up for a chat after the sunset.

So the three of us, Angus, O'Regan and myself headed over to where I could see the trees reflecting in the lake.  The water was so still it was giving up some amazing reflections.  And the colours were changing before our eyes.

We were districted by the antics of the ducks and swans that were just as interested in us.  They are such graceful creatures swans.  

We wandered around the lake edge taking in the scenery.  There were many families enjoying the view having picnics and playing.

We noticed the sun going down and decided to park up so we didn't miss the show.  The golden light was beautiful.

The sunset didn't dissapoint, with lots of colour and cloud.  I tried some timelapse and also played with putting together a video.  I'll pop it in here so you can have a look.

We knew the carpark was locked at 5.30pm so we had to start back to our car, we didn't want to be locked in for the night.  We met up with everyone else just down the road for some nibbles and a chat.  It was lovely sitting beside the lake sharing some snacks with friends.

Another great meetup and a spectacular display from mother nature.

So RosieComment